Gov’mt to Gov’mt Relationship |
Yes, will sign accord, will work on stable revenue sources w First Nations (FNs) |
Yes, already have an accord |
L |
Land transfers back to First Nations |
L |
? Will try to resolve land claims w FNs & Canada |
L |
Resource revenue sharing |
Yes, will share revenue w FNs, will give ON’s mining taxes to FNs ($218M over 5yrs) |
No? will continue to share “benefits of resource development” w FNs & Metis |
L |
Implement TRC Calls to Action |
Yes, will start w action items under prov jurisdiction |
Journey Together plan + $250M/3yrs (in progress) |
L |
Contribute to First Nation Health |
Yes, will double ON investment to $209M/year in FN Health Action Plan, FNs will decide health funding priorities, ex. expanded suicide prevention, more doctor time on reserve, more health care workers, more FN midwives, increase FN role in frontline care |
Yes, $80M over 4 yrs to expand child & youth mental health services for kids at risk, $220M over 3 years for improved access to healthcare, mental health, addiction, palliative care, Indigenous leadership in healthcare delivery |
L |
Address First Nation Hydro Costs |
Yes, FN exempt from Hydro costs, FN ownership stake in Hydro |
Reduce Hydro costs for remote communities by up to 50% |
L |
Safe Drinking Water |
Will address water infrastructure on reserve, then bill Ottawa |
L |
L |
Childcare on Reserve |
L |
Yes, $40M over 3 yrs for culturally relevant childcare on reserve, 4500 new spaces on reserve $290M to double childcare spaces on reserve, $70M over 2 yrs for off-reserve children & families |
L |
First Nation Education |
L |
L |
L |
Jordan’s Principle |
No specific mention, but will pay for health services & infrastructure on reserve first, argue w feds later |
L |
L |
First Nation Policing |
Yes, will double ON investment in FNs to $30M, joint development of stand alone legislation |
Opt into provincial policing framework & create FN Police Service Boards |
L |
Yes, will continue to support inquiry, provide family supports, increase resources to solve cold cases |
Yes, long-term strategy to end violence against Indig women, Address human trafficking & support survivors* |
L |
Address problematic Far North Act |
Yes, will replace it |
L |
L |
Jobs & Training & Economic development |
Yes, will prioritize FN training on & off-reserve, Partner w FNs to develop green energy, will work w FNs to develop minimum targets for FN procurement |
Yes, $30M over 2 years for skills training, Expanded role for institutes |
L |
First Nations/Indigenous Institutes |
Yes, $28M in Friendship Centre repairs, $91M over 6yrs to 28 Centres, $41M programming for children & youth |
Yes, will support stronger role for Indigenous institutes, work with urban communities for off-reserve programs |
L |
First Nation Housing |
L |
Yes, will increase funds for Indigenous Supportive Housing Program |
L |
Indigenous Languages & Culture |
L |
Yes, will support Indigenous languages, Youth cultural camps, will support Indigenous culture |
L |
Social Assistance & Income Security |
Yes, will work w FN Income Security Reform Working Group & Urban Indigenous Table to implement Roadmap for Change Report |
Yes, will enhance access to culturally safe & responsive social assistance |
L |
North, Remote Communities |
Will replace Far North Act, $1B to get Ring of Fire moving now, Collaborate w FNs to get infrastructure projects moving |
Part of $1B commitment = year round access road to Ring of Fire, continue support Wataynikaney Power Grid project (16 remote FNs), gas price watchdog, invest more northern hospitals, schools, transportation, $500M/3yrs broadband, Increase access to mental health for Indigenous youth |
L |
First Nation Treaty Rights |
Ensure treaty rights respected |
L |
L |
First Nation Education |
Curriculum will include Indigenous history, colonialism, residential schools, reconciliation |
L |
L |
UNDRIP into provincial law |
Implement all TRC Calls to Action – starting with those in provincial jurisdiction |
L |
L |
Address Crisis in Foster Care |
Yes, will work with FN leaders & experts to identify needs of FN kids, No more solitary confinement, Mediation not courts, Goal = 0 kids in care |
L |
L |
Justice System |
Ban policing carding, Police training in human rights & racism |
Yes, will create bicultural justice centres, Culturally responsive supports in bail system, Improve FN repres on juries |
L |
Anti-Racism |
Ban policing carding, Police training in human rights & racism |
Data collection & analysis w partners, Increase diversity in gov’mt, boards, commissions, anti-racism education & training |
L |
Environment |
Expand parks & create new ones in consultation w FNs, Will clean up Wabigoon Mercury, Fund mercury treatment centre, Additional $12M for retroactive payments for mercury disability |
Support FNs to transition to non-fossil fuel energy to minimize impact, $85M Grassy Narrows remediation |
L |
*Please note: this chart is based exclusively on what is contained in the three platforms in terms of what they are promising going forward. It does not include external documents or statement, nor does it report on the past performances of any governments over time. It is merely a snapshot of what is being promised if you elect that party. Please send me a note if you see an error – this is accurate as of May 30, 2018. For a summary analysis of these platforms, please see my article in Lawyer’s Daily at: Or, for those without access to Lawyer’s Daily, please find it on my blog here: