Trump’s “Crazy Town” Represents a Clear and Present Danger to Canada

                            (Photo taken when I marched in Trump Protest in NYC) Donald Trump shocked countries around the world when he won the election for President of the United States of America (USA) on November 8, 2016. Trump was formally elected as the…

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First Nations Too Generous Funding Canadian State

Unbelievable! I am not sure how I can be both shocked and not, every time I see an irresponsible poll or article like the one below: I guess maybe some would say I am too hopeful? That despite all the racism, hatred and lack of compassion shown for our people, that this will change. But I am….

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“No Natives” Allowed: How Canada Breeds Racism and Fear

On the one hand, I cannot believe that we as Indigenous peoples are still subjected to such overt racism on a such a frequent basis. On the other hand, I am not surprised, given that this kind of anti-First Nation sentiment is still out there in more hidden forms also known as systemic racism. I guess the…

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